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The Writer

My first stories were about a family of bears. At primary school I loved writing long “essays”. As a teenager the diary and the writing of “weltschmerz” poems were places to confide in. I studied English literature at university. After having studied drama, film and theatre, I briefly got involved in the film business. At the same time I began working as a volunteer in the cultural section of RadiOrakel (Radio Oracle), a radio station in Oslo, considered to be the first feminist radio station in the world. My paid job was as a production secretary in the Norwegian Broadcasting corporation. A few years later I decided to study journalism and got a degree from  the Norwegian School of Journalism. Since then I have worked with a wide range of genres and publications, both as a journalist and an editor. The topics that have been closest to my heart are culture, portraits, environmental issues, health, social justice and quality of life. After quitting my work as a journalist, I have continued using creative writing as a practice. I also offer workshops called “Wild-writing”.

Texts by Linde Borgen

In 1999/2000 I published the book “Living rituals”:

”The rite of passage gives us an opportunity to throw away our ordinary mask and experience where we are in life. We are confronted with our limitations and encouraged to overcome them. We can use rituals like this to clarify what kind of goals and wishes we have for ourselves. Later, when we feel that our powers fail and we experience setbacks in life, we can recall what we promised ourselves in the ritual and gather inspiration from the persons who took part in it.
(excerpt from ”Living rituals – for passages in life and nature”)

In 1996 I became the editor of “Common Sense”, a monthly environmental magazine published by the norwegian organisation The future in our Hands. It was awarded Best magazine and Best cover page by the Norwegian Specialized Press Association in 1999:

Folkevett nr 2, 1999


A brief selection of publications (Norwegian):


Hele verden online – kronikk, Dagbladet, 2004
NĂĄr sjokket ikke gĂĄr over – kronikk, Hamar Arbeiderblad, 2011 

Magazines, as an editor and journalist

Brennpunkt FN – FN-Sambandet, 2001

Daily newspapers, weekly and monthly press 

Portrait interviews:

Karsten Alnæs, author, Toralv Maurstad actor, Roy Marsden, actor Lars Saabye Christensen, author, Ingvar Ambjørnsen, author, Anne Grete Preus, musician, Bjørn Eidsvåg, musician, Ole Paus, musician, Crown prince Harald, now the King of Norway, former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, former bishop Rosemarie Køhn, Egil “Drillo” Olsen, football trainer, Ole Henrik Magga, first president of Sametinget (The Sami Parliament), Børge Ousland, adventurer and polar explorer, Hans Wilhelm Steinfeld, journalist, Hanan Ashrawi, palestinian politician and human rights activist.

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