About Linde

I was born in Vienna, Austria. When I was five weeks old I went on my first journey with my mother and father through Europe in an old Volvo. Our destination was my father’s homeland, Norway. We stayed there until I was three years old and then settled in Copenhagen, Denmark, with my baby sister completing the family. We moved several times in Denmark, before returning to Norway when I was thirteen years old.
All these breakups have formed my life in different ways. I have followed my heart in whatever vocation I have been attracted to. I have moved house and travelled with more or less regular intervals. I love the flexibility and the big scope of experiences of life this has given me. On the other side of the spectrum there are the rootlessness and lack of belonging.
Once when having stayed abroad for a long time, I realised that «Home» was in my own heart. This experience has deepened over the years and is now my truth.